Thursday, March 31, 2011

Queen of Shoes

So last week I fell in love with this song I found on my iPod. You know you put it on shuffle and just get what you get right?

I was like "OMG yo this video is sick" three amazing artists from (sort of) different genres collaborating making awesome tunes .... and they're all in converse shoes ... hmmm. Well I did a little reading further down and saw this New Promotion for CONVERSE FREE, LEGAL PROMOTIONAL DOWNLOAD LINK  Say wha!!! Promotional video for Converse? Hold on. Now smart move Converse I love this song and I love these artists and I didn't even know I was watching a Converse video. I blogged about Dev and her Booty Bounce Hellz Bellz thing going on but Converse apparently has been doing this since 2009. This blows my mind how ahead of "the game" these companies are. When I like a song I go to YouTube (because that's where I always go) and check it out. Now subtly companies are promoting their products and endorsing these music videos. I LOVE THIS! smart move. Why? Because it's not a commercial. I love the subtleties companies are doing to break the the clutter people see on a daily basis. If you can involve your product with some form of entertainment without me noticing well good on ya. You deserve my approval (cause you know it's worth so much).

Now, I was doing some snooping around the Vans Girls blog and look what I found...

Click Here

Santigold has now partnered with Vans shoes. This girl loves shoes. I really hope she does another video where she promotes her new show, cause I can't get enough of artist endorsed by sweet shoes. Just as long as companies like Ducks Unlimited don't collaborate with Metallica, although seeing some duck thrash would be pretty sweet. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Beautiful Magazine

Hello Beautiful internet people.

Most people have seen my magazine, but if you live under a rock or I just haven't gotten around to attacking you about how good it is here is magazine in all its glory:


So this is what I looked like while I was working on my magazine

 But now it's done and it looks beautiful. And I want you to let me know what you think.
Should I keep it going over the summer? Would you guys read it?

This is what I look like now:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wake Up Winnipeg - Getting stoked on the new cable park

This spring Winnipeg will become a lot more adventurous thanks to developer Jason Rohs and his wife Michelle. Adrenaline Adventures, a wakeboard cable park, is set to open and be ready for business on June 1, 2011. 

“I’m a proud Winnipegger who was sick and tired of people crapping on our city,” said Rohs. “We just needed something new and exciting. This is on the cutting edge in Europe,” explained Rohs on his decision to build the cable park. 

A wakeboard cable park pulls a wakeboarder around using a pulley system and cables powered by a motor instead of a boat. “If you’re 16 years old you don’t have to worry about borrowing your dad’s $60,000 boat down the river and hitting a tree stump,” said Rohs.

The $5 million dollar park is located on the west Perimeter between Wilkes Avenue and Roblin Boulevard in the Rural Municipality of Headingley. 

The digging of two lakes is underway. One lake will be a three acre training lake for beginners to learn how to wakeboard and get used to the cable system. The second lake will be much larger, 10 acres, for more advanced riders. 

The cable system works by various towers stationed around the lake with cables running in a counter clockwise motion with ski ropes attached to these cables. The park will feature six different jumps and boxes that were designed especially for the lakes.

“I want people coming from around the world. I want this to be the best facility in the world, that is my goal,” said Rohs, “The WWA [World Wakeboarding Association] is pretty stoked. I just signed a contract with them for the Monster Energy Triple Crown this summer. And also it will be one of the lakes for the World Series of Wakeboarding on the same weekend.” 

“Nothing is standing in my way right now except weather,” said Rohs who flew the entire cable system to Winnipeg from Germany. Rohs isn’t worried about how well the park will do, because not only is his park for wakeboarders, but there will a beach, a waterpark, campground, beach volleyball, and a 55 foot rope climbing course, not to mention the park has a snow tubing hill that was already open for business this past winter. 

“We have such a diversified project, there are so many different moving parts,” said Rohs who said he wanted the park to appeal to a wide range of Winnipeggers, “We’ve had such an overwhelming response already.”

“I’ve never wakeboarded in my life,” laughed Rohs, “But who knows maybe I’ll like it.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to heal a broken heart

Just kidding. I have no idea at this point. I think I might follow up with this as a continual blog post, and try to make some webisodes, or if I feel like exposing myself to the internet.

But for now I found this little tid-bit from a tweet and I'm latching on to it.


It's from Hearty Magazine and it helps me dream that in 10 years I can have a really awesome job. I could flip through all the job titles and imagine how cool their lives must be. One can only hope hey? Anyways, I'm off to distracting myself from my heart by going into dream land.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

WTF is Groupon?

Well dear friends I find myself signed up for yet another coupon-type-thing, but this time it's different.

Don't tempt me Groupon. I actually will use my carrier pigeons.

So now that I kind of have an idea of what Groupon is thanks to this very helpful YouTube video (see I told you I learn EVERYTHING from YouTube videos), I can now decide whether or not it's useless or not.

Is Groupon just another lame attempt to get me to buy things? Of course it is. But is it really worth it or should I just go back to my regular Show and Save booklet? I mean a bought that darn thing and only used about 5 of the coupons. Coupons sit in my wallet for literally years and I refuse to throw them out "just in case I need them."

So what makes Groupon different from my tattered coupons. I mean they're both supporting local businesses, but coupons are FREE!

But maybe Groupon is onto something. I mean, if I choose to buy into it then surely I'll use it unlike the Daly Burger coupon a acquired six months ago (the dancing hot dog guy enticed me more than the coupon did). But really the proof is right in front of me, I signed up for Groupon a month and a half ago and I have yet to buy into one. The only deal that enticed me was the American Apparel deal and that was long over by the time I started getting their deal emails. Now it's like "Spend $20 for U Putz mini golf and you get a $30 dollar value!!!" um no thanks. Not that I have anything against mini golf, but I think that when it comes down to my mini golf playing time I'll just pay full price.
