I was like "OMG yo this video is sick" three amazing artists from (sort of) different genres collaborating making awesome tunes .... and they're all in converse shoes ... hmmm. Well I did a little reading further down and saw this New Promotion for CONVERSE FREE, LEGAL PROMOTIONAL DOWNLOAD LINK www.converse.com Say wha!!! Promotional video for Converse? Hold on. Now smart move Converse I love this song and I love these artists and I didn't even know I was watching a Converse video. I blogged about Dev and her Booty Bounce Hellz Bellz thing going on but Converse apparently has been doing this since 2009. This blows my mind how ahead of "the game" these companies are. When I like a song I go to YouTube (because that's where I always go) and check it out. Now subtly companies are promoting their products and endorsing these music videos. I LOVE THIS! smart move. Why? Because it's not a commercial. I love the subtleties companies are doing to break the the clutter people see on a daily basis. If you can involve your product with some form of entertainment without me noticing well good on ya. You deserve my approval (cause you know it's worth so much).
Now, I was doing some snooping around the Vans Girls blog and look what I found...
Click Here
Santigold has now partnered with Vans shoes. This girl loves shoes. I really hope she does another video where she promotes her new show, cause I can't get enough of artist endorsed by sweet shoes. Just as long as companies like Ducks Unlimited don't collaborate with Metallica, although seeing some duck thrash would be pretty sweet.