Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crime for all Seasons

So as I was skimming through my favourite website (no, no not Wikipedia, but YouTube). I came across Dev's "Booty Bounce". Now, you must be thinking to yourself  "My Amie have you ever lowered your music standards." and yes you are right. Butt, I mean but, there is a tiny nugget of greatness in this video.

What's going on in my head as I watch the video - "I love Dev's style. I wish I could wear what she's wearing. Wait a second this entire video is about her clothing. Hmm this would be an awesome way to advertise for a clothing company. OH my god I'm genius this is such a good idea. I'm going to be rich!"

But as I labored through this some what repetitive (yet catchy song) I made it to the end. And of course it said wardrobe By Hellz.

So I guess I'm not the genius who thought of it after all but it's still awesome in my opinion. This video has so much going for them a) they're able to advertise their company through a recognizable source b) they're sneaking their brand in without shoving it in people's faces c) they're using a medium that is accessible to a large demographic.

So clothing companies take note. Find an up-and-coming quasi famous singer or artist with rad style and make a sorta video with them wearing your clothes. Genius.

Check out Hellz  Here

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